Monday, July 25, 2011

Medical Science Educator 21-3 Now Available

Dear IAMSE members,

I am happy to present to you issue 21(3) of Medical Science Educator, the Journal of IAMSE. This third regular issue of 2011 shows again a variety of topics being reported, including 3 meeting reports. I hope you will enjoy this issue and that you and your colleagues will consider publishing your own scholarly work in our Journal for the benefit of all our readers.

To download:

Peter G.M. de Jong, PhD
Editor-in-Chief Medical Science Educator

Table of Contents

Introducing Evidence-Based Physical Examination to Internal Medicine Clerkship Students
Somnath Mookherjee, Michelle Mourad, Michelle Milic & Calvin Chou

Changes in Personality and Learning Styles for First Year Medical Students
Nicole J. Borges & Dean X. Parmelee

Virtual PBL: Online Student Interaction to Enhance Learning, Interest, and Peer Feedback
Aaron Danielson & Frazier T. Stevenson

Conversion of an Imaged-Based Lecture to a Virtual Microscopic Tutorial; a Practical Approach Including Student Feedback for Consecutive Classes
Jamie Shutter & Frazier T. Stevenson

Factors that Impact Teaching Evaluations: a Case Study
Shi-Hao Wen, Xiu-Qiang Ma, Jan D. Carline, Wei-Min Ren, Xin-Wen Yan & Yue Wang

The Oncology Education Initiative: Successful Incorporation of Multidisciplinary Oncology Education into the Core Radiology Clerkship
Pauline Mulleady Bishop, Priscilla J. Slanetz & Ariel E. Hirsch

Medical Student Use of Online Lectures: Exam Performance, Learning Styles, Achievement Motivation and Gende
Gary L. Nieder, Nicole J. Borges & John C. Pearson

Introducing the Testimonial-Commentator Format to the Musculoskeletal Curriculum of Medical Student
James D. Katz, Mandana Hashefi, Maryam Hasan, H. David Reines, Samantha McIntosh, Laura Abate, Jennifer Halvaksz & Ellen Goldman

Toward a Culture of Humanism: A Proposal for the Future of Bioethics Education in Medicine
Ashley K. Fernandes

Meeting Report: Medical Education – 2011

Meeting Report: The Use of E-Learning in Medical Education

Meeting Report: Teaching Biochemistry to Students of Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy