Friday, May 4, 2012

22(2) of Medical Science Educator is Now Available

Dear IAMSE members,

I am happy to present to you issue 22(2) of Medical Science Educator, the Journal of IAMSE. The issue reports on a variety of topics of great importance to the medical educator, from anatomy teaching to international politics. I hope you will enjoy this issue and that you and your colleagues will consider publishing your own scholarly work in our Journal for the benefit of all our readers.

To download please log into your IAMSE Member account

Peter G.M. de Jong, PhD
Editor-in-Chief Medical Science Educator

Medical Students as Teaching Assistants in an Undergraduate Anatomy Course
Anuja Jain, Monica Michelotti, Jennifer McDonald, Dennis Lee, Michael Bohl, James Fitzgerald & Ameed Raoof

Comparison of the Effectiveness and Enthusiasm toward the Audience Response System between a Medical School in the United States and the Caribbean
Jamie Shutter

Teaching Gastrointestinal Anatomy from the Inside Out
Marjorie Johnson, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya & Matthew Johnson

21st Century Learning in Medicine: Traditional Teaching versus Team-based Learning
Robert K. Kamei, Sandy Cook, Janil Puthucheary & C. Frank Starmer

The Challenges of Developing a Patient Safety Curriculum for Medical School
Dennis Tsilimingras, Eric I. Rosenberg & Leslie M. Beitsch

International Politics - Effects on the Training of International Medical Graduates
Fahad Saeed, Nadia Kousar & Jean L. Holley

Meeting report: The Second Flexnerian Report: Implications, Applications and Expectations

Meeting report: Innovative Teaching Methods for Pathology in American Medical Schools