Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Call for Manuscripts - Core-Competencies in Scientific Research for Undergraduate Medical Education

Dear medical educators,

Medical Science Educator, the journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators IAMSE, is planning to publish a journal supplement entirely dedicated to the topic “Core-Competencies in Scientific Research for Undergraduate Medical Education”. IAMSE is exploring what the role of basic science research skills should be in the medical curriculum, and therefore we would like to learn more on how the academic society thinks about this issue.

We are currently soliciting article submissions on this topic and we welcome contributions in the format of Short Communication, Original Research, Monograph, Commentary or Opinion. See our website www.medicalscienceeducator.org for more detailed information on these formats. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in our regular review process.

These are the deadlines for this call:

February 15, 2012: Deadline for submitting manuscripts to journal@iamse.org
May 15, 2012: Notification of preliminary acceptance or rejection
August 2012: Publication of the issue.

I look forward to receiving your submission.

Peter de Jong

Peter G.M. de Jong, PhD
Editor-in-Chief Medical Science Educator